The Spirit Aircraft and Aeronautical Routes
About the Aircraft
Name: Spirit
Tail Number: N916BL
Other Call Signs: WB6RQN (Amateur Radio)
Manufacture: 1979 by Mooney Aircraft Corp.
Model: Mooney M20K “231”
Type: Fixed wing, single engine, 4 seats (2 removed)
Engine: Continental TSIO-360-LB (Reciprocating) 210 HP, turbocharged
Propeller: 3 blade
Wingspan: 37 feet (11m)
Length: 27 feet (8m)
Height: 8.5 feet (2.5m) at tail
Gross Weight: 2900 lbs
Empty Weight: 1800 lbs
Top Speed: approx. 250 mph
Cruise Speed: 200 kts
Stall Speed: 57 kts
Fuel Capacity: 200 gal
Range: 2800 nm
Ground Roll: approx. 1220 ft
Rate Of Climb: 1080 fpm
Ceiling: 24000 ft
Round The World
Round-The-World flight in June-July 2017 goes through many MWARAs, including areas of Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. The following map shows the HF radio frequencies (kHz USB) for the route.
Wall map DOWNLOAD (11″ x 17″ tabloid size 16MB pdf)

HF Radio Flight Route Map for Brian Lloyd aircraft N916BL Spirit for the 2017 flight retracing the Amelia Earhart route